The Saint Lawrence box comes with gifts that relate to his comical humor. The first week comes with a book by Lino Rulli who is a Catholic Comedian. This book tells the story of Lino's journey towards being faithful and yet being a Sinner. The second weeks gift is a treasure box filled with Saint Holy Cards. This is because Saint Lawrence was asked by the Roman Prefect to give all the Church's treasures. This Saint is known for presenting the poor and suffering people of the Church and saying "here are the Church's treasures." Week 3's gift is a grilling spatula since St. Lawrence was grilled alive and said "Turn me over I am done on this side". Week 4 includes a card deck full of funny jokes and an award.
Buy this BoxThe Saint Lawrence box comes with gifts that relate to his comical humor. The first week comes with a book by Lino Rulli who is a Catholic Comedian. This book tells the story of Lino's journey towards being faithful and yet being a Sinner. The second weeks gift is a treasure box filled with Saint Holy Cards. This is because Saint Lawrence was asked by the Roman Prefect to give all the Church's treasures. This Saint is known for presenting the poor and suffering people of the Church and saying "here are the Church's treasures." Week 3's gift is a grilling spatula since St. Lawrence was grilled alive and said "Turn me over I am done on this side". Week 4 includes a card deck full of funny jokes and an award. .
Shop St. LawrenceThe Saint Anthony of Padua box comes with a key holder that says "Break Time St. Anthony" just to place your keys before you lose them. It comes with the office of the Passion of the Lord to pray pslams daily that Franciscans picked out. The office comes inside a special Bible Box that has a secret compartment It also comes with a Stone Statue of St. Anthony hold Jesus and a Bible. There is a letter for you to send to a friary to ask for the Franciscans to pray for your intentions. This box also comes with a brochure and goals that challenge you weekly to follow in the footsteps of St. Anthony.
Buy this BoxTo see complete contents watch the video below of St. Anne to the end.
Add me to the RestockSt. Charbel was a Lebanese monk whose body became of great interest as many miracles began to happen at his intercession. People still go to the shrine where he stayed at and in this box we bring you a piece of that shrine to you.
Buy this boxWeek 1
This week your goal is to pray the St. Charbel’s chaplet. Use this chaplet to grow in poverty, love for Eucharist, and devotion to Mary. Saint Charbel suffered a stroke while saying Mass the day before Christmas. He was reciting the prayer from the Maronite Mass, "Father of Truth". He continued to recite this prayer and to repeat over and over Jesus and Mary until he died several hours later. After the death of Charbel, a light began to shine from his tomb attracting the local villagers. Miracles of healing began to take place. Four months after his death his body was exhumed and found to be incorrupt and floating in water. His body remained incorrupt, perspiring blood and liquid until the day of his beatification. Miracles are occurring through the intercession of Saint Charbel to this day.
(Instructions of HOW TO PRAY THE CHAPLET are included)
Week 2
A dear friend of Saint of the Month and fellow Catholic went on a pilgrimage to a Monastery in Lebanon that is dedicated to Saint Charbel. It is there that many miracles have been granted through the intercession of this great saint. Our friend brought us a candle, incense, and oil. We wanted to share these holy items with you in our subscription boxes. We have carefully taken shavings of the candle, drops of the oil and a few pieces of the incense and have placed them in a vile necklace.
Week 3
St. Charbel was from Lebanon so we had to find a gift that would be perfect for this Lebanese Saint. We collaborated with a woodworking business to have him make special coasters made out of Lebanese Cedar wood. It’s amazing to see so many people with talents given to the Lord. Did you know that King Solomon used cedar wood for his temple? The word Cedar is mentioned 103 times in the Bible and the mountains of Lebanon were once covered with this tree. At St. Charbel’s Canonization, Bishop Francis Zayek wrote a pamphlet entitled “A New Star of the East.” Zayek wrote: Charbel is like a Cedar of Lebanon standing in eternal prayer, on top of a mountain.”
Week 4:
St. Charbel took his vows to be a monk at the very monastery that we mentioned in Week 2. In the Mass on November 1, 1853 and in the presence of the superior, the novice master and the monks of the monastery, Brother Charbel (St Charbel) took the monastic vows. After being vested, Brother Charbel (St Charbel) carried a cross in his left hand in response to Christ’s call to “take up your cross and follow me” and a candle in his right hand to symbolize Christ, “the light of the world”. He was then led in a procession to the church to show the community’s joy that it had a new member. This week your task is to make a promise to follow Christ just like Monks make a lifelong vow to their life. Your promise may not include celibacy, or obedience to a superior but you can renew your love for Christ by following Him in every step you take for the rest of your life. Like St. Charbel you are receiving a cross to carry in your left hand and keep it in your left pocket as you go through the week. Also wear your cross bracelet on your left hand this week.
Buy St. Charbel box $35.99Padre Pio has become one of the most recognized and popular saints around but it wasn't always like that. Padre Pio received the stigmata (the wounds of Christ) on his hands. He had to wear gloves to protect them. Padre Pio was scrutinized by many and was even banned from saying public mass but eventually after examination the Church recognized this Holy man and many came to him for advice and confession. He listened to confession for over 8 hours a day and many times for 15 hours. In this box you will learn about Padre Pio and grow closer to Christ through his eyes. This is our May box that is scheduled to be sent on April 27th. Subscribe by the 25th to get this box.
Buy this boxWeek 1:
This month we will look into the life of Padre Pio. Each week you are getting a gift with a note of your weekly goal. This goal is made for you to do for that week and challenge you to grow in your holiness. This week you are getting an EWTN documentary about Padre Pio. Watch it an enjoy. Padre Pio loved the Lord very much especially His most sacred presence in the Eucharist. Begin this week with time spent with the Eucharist. Padre Pio once said “A thousand years of enjoying human glory is not worth even an hour spent sweetly communing with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.” Also remember that our Lady is there too. He once said “Do you not see the Madonna always beside the tabernacle?”
Week 2:
Padre Pio was known for hearing confessions and the ability to see the soul. As he became popular thousands came to him and asked to hear their confessions. Padre Pio spent most of his day hearing them. From 1918 to 1923 he heard confessions from 15 to 19 hours a day. Then during the 40’s and 50’s he confessed about 8 hours a day. In 1962, 83,035 women and 19,837 men, registered for confession with Padre Pio. This comes to an average of 273 a day. Padre Pio is said to have heard a total of 5 million confessions. This week you are getting a reconciliation bracelet with precious jewels on them and lambs that represent Jesus the Lamb of God. Your goal is to prepare each day an examination of conscience.
Week 3:
You are receiving a chaplet and your goal this week is to pray this once a day. Know that our prayers, just like those of Padre Pio, are powerful. Pray, pray, pray. You are also getting a dish to place your chaplet upon. Padre Pio’s famously said “Pray, hope, don’t worry” so this dish represents the spirit of this quote.
(a prayer of Padre Pio to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is included)
Week 4:
From the Housetops Magazine: "Of all the mystical gifts with which Padre Pio was endowed, the most famous and fantastic was the Stigmata. He was the first priest of approximately three hundred other individuals (not all canonized) recorded in Church history to bear the five bleeding wounds of our Crucified Lord. (an account of Padre Pio's Transverberation is told)
This week reflect on your sufferings that you carry daily. Examples may include: feeling overwhelmed and stretched too thin with things to do, being in emotional or physical exhaustion, daily demands of work, life seems like an unending list of things to do, completing tasks and not being able to achieve your goals. These can be united to Christ to give them meaning and help you keep your eyes fixed upon heaven. You are getting gloves just like Padre Pio wore. Allow Christ’s blood to cover your sufferings.
Buy a Padre Pio Box $35.99
It was the year of 1531 when the “Lady from Heaven” appeared to a poor Indian from Tepeyac. His name was Juan Diego. This “Lady” was Mary the Mother of God. She told Juan to have the bishop build a church in the location where she appeared. As a sign for the bishop she gave Juan Diego an image of herself on his tilma. The tilma was made out of cactus cloth. An estimated 10 million people visit her Bascilica each year making this Marian shrine the most popular in the world. In the year 2010 it was 22 million. (it is the second most visited Church in the world after St. Peter’s in the Vatican) Juan Diego would go on to have a total of 4 apparitions with our Lady. The tilma is held in the Bascilica of Guadalupe where pilgrims go to see it live.
Buy this boxWeek 1:
The Lady then told Juan Diego to return the next day to the Bishop and repeat the request. On Sunday, after again waiting for hours, Juan Diego met with the Bishop who, on re-hearing the story, asked him to ask the Lady to provide a sign as a proof of who she was. Juan Diego dutifully returned to the hill and told the Lady, who was again waiting for him there, of the Bishop's request. She responded: "My little son, am I not your Mother? Do not fear. The Bishop will have his sign. Come back to this place tomorrow. Only peace, my little son." This week you are getting a tshirt from ArchAngel Outfitters that has the image of Our Lady on it with the words that she told St. Juan Diego “Am I not your Mother?” This week your task is to fill out the pamphlet that is included as you learn more about Our Lady of Guadalupe and any prayer requests you may have. Enjoy the free bonus digital print.
Week 2:
Where ever we go where ever we travel let us keep Our Lady in our horizon. This week you are getting an auto rosary of our Lady of Guadalupe as well as a decal for your car. Hang the rosary and stick on the decal to remind you of the presence of St. Juan Diego along with our Lady. Your goal this week is to, as you travel, to turn off your radio and take time to pray on your way to work or school. Be in the presence of God and elevate the most mundane times to moments of great grace.
Week 3:
Just like Our Lady of Guadalupe asked Saint Juan Diego to have a shrine built in Tepeyac, we too will build our own shrine this week. It won’t be a physical shrine but one in our hearts. One that is tall because of our prayers that reach towards the heavens. One that is filled with images of Jesus’ life because we contemplate on His life as we go on with our work. One that is filled with incense and beautiful smells from flowers of our own tilma because of our supplications and deep prayers that are so sweet. Our lady will love our ‘heart shrine’. We have included a LED candle of Our Lady of Guadalupe for you to turn on. As you turn it on, pray this prayer: (PRAYER INCLUEDE)
Week 4:
The Aztecs at the time worshipped the stars. But, Our Lady came to say she was greater than the stars of heaven that they worshipped. She was a virgin and the Queen of the heavens for Virgo rests over her womb and the northern crown upon her head. 9 million would convert to Catholicism in the following years, which is greater than any conversion in the history of the Church. This week you are getting a bracelet to wear on your wrist and a pocket statue to carry in your pocket. Keep our Lady close to you just like St. Juan Diego kept the Lady close to his heart and wore an image of her on his tilma. Your task this week is to set an alarm for 6:15 am and pray to Our Lady and for the conversion of souls of the whole world. Spread the miraculous message of the tilma but above all spread the great love Our Lady has for us.
Buy Guadalupe box $35.99
St. Maximilian Kolbe Goals
Week 1:
The first week you are getting the Life for Life movie by Ignatius Press. It is a great movie. Take time this week to sit back and enjoy learning about the life of this amazing Saint. You also received a pamphlet to consecrate your life to Mary. St. Maximilian Kolbe dedicated much of his life to spreading love for Mary through distribution of newspaper and articles. We encourage you and your family to consecrate yourselves to Mary.
Week 2:
St. Maximilian Kolbe once said that “the most deadly poison of our times is indifference”. He stood up for good and even gave his life for it. This week you are receiving a quote card that gets inserted in a wood block. You will notice some numbers on the bottom right. These are the prisoner number given to St. Maximilian Kolbe while he was in the concentration camp. Your goal this week is make a prayer to God to help give you courage and strength to fight for what you believe in.
Week 3:
St. Maximilian Kolbe had of the Virgin Mary when he was 12. This is what Kolbe wrote about that night: "she came to me holding two crowns, one white, the other red. She asked me if I was willing to accept either of these crowns. The white one meant that I should persevere in purity, and the red that I should become a martyr. I said that I would accept them both.” This week you are getting two “Kolbe bracelets” for you to wear as a sign that you too are open to purity and martyrdom. Wear one or both.
Week 4:
This amazing t-shirt made by Archangel Outfitters in red. This shirt was specially designed just for our box and you are the first to receive this design. On it you will see a quote by St. Maximilian Kolbe that says “The cross is the school of Love”. This week your goal is to journal (as St. Maximilian Kolbe is the patron saint of Journalists) about suffering and looking to the horizon of the greater fruit that comes when you offer up your suffering to Jesus on the Cross. How have you learned from your crosses in this school of love?
Buy St. Kolbe Box $35.99
St. Helena is known for finding the true cross of Christ. There are several versions concerning how the cross was found. In some, Helena has a dream telling her where the cross is buried. In another tradition, the Ethiopian Coptic tradition still celebrated as Mesquel, she followed smoke from a bonfire to the site.
Shop this BoxWeek 1:
This week you are getting a special wooden St. Helena card that has the remarkable story of St. Helena and the cross. St. Helena is the patroness of new discoveries. She was a true discoverer. She traversed many lands looking for true artifacts of Jesus’ life. This week examine your soul and see all the things you are searching for and see how ultimately the great search is for God. We seek happiness and find it in God. When we discover this truth and live it we truly will become saints.
Week 2:
This week you are getting a cup with an ‘H’ on it in honor of St. Helena. Years ago Constantine gifted her honors of naming her birth place and creating a coin after her but now we will celebrate her most prized accomplishment of being a saint. Of all the honors that we receive in this life nothing compares to the fact of being united with God in full communion. Your goal this week is to celebrate all Saints. Make a toast either written or in speech using your new St. Helena cup.
Week 3:
There are several versions concerning how the cross was found. This week we will look into the Ethiopian Coptic version. The Meskel celebration includes the burning of a large bonfire, or Demera, based on the belief that Queen Eleni (St. Helena), as she is known, had a revelation in a dream. She was told that she should make a bonfire and that the smoke would show her where the True Cross was buried. The firewood is decorated with daisies prior to the celebration. Charcoal from the remains of the fire is afterwards collected and used by the faithful to mark their foreheads with the shape of a cross. This week your goal is to commemorate St. Helena and celebrate your own feast of the exaltation of the cross by either building a bonfire with your family or by buying a bouquet of daisies and placing them before a cross in your house. While having your bonfire sprinkle some of these incense that you received in this week’s gift.
Week 4:
This week you are getting an image of this famous painting found by St. Helena. You are also getting a beautiful shiplap cross in honor of the true cross that St. Helena found. Your goal this week is to grow in devotion to the cross that Jesus was crucified upon. Take time to research the crucifix and read about the relics found around the world of the true cross.
Buy St. Helena Box $35.99
Week 1
This month we are exploring the life of St. Brigid of Ireland. In this book that you received you learned that she gave away her mother’s entire store of butter. Butter was a valuable food back then and to give it all away was a big deal. But miraculously it was later replenished after St. Brigid prayed. Your task this week is to offer something up and give it away. Then as you pray, thank the Lord for all the things he has given you.
Week 2
The story of St. Brigid’s cross goes as follows: There was an old pagan Chieftain who lay delirious on his deathbed in Kildare and his servants summoned Brigid to his beside in the hope that the saintly woman may calm his restless spirit. Brigid is said to have sat by his bed, calming him and she picked up the rushes from the floor and began weaving them into the distinctive cross pattern. As she weaved, she explained the meaning of the cross to the sick Chieftain and it is thought her sweet words brought peace to his soul. He was so amazed by her words that the old Chieftain requested he be baptized as a Christian just before he died. This week your task is to pray the liturgy that is provided.
Week 3
St. Brigid wanted to be a bride of Christ and begged Jesus to make her ugly so that no one would marry her. Her prayers were answered when she injured her eye and soon after she entered to be a nun. After she took her vows the eye miraculously healed. St. Brigid went on to start the Monastery of Kildare. This week you are receiving a prayer plaque which has spots to place your prayers just like St. Brigid prayed a great deal while in the Monastery. Your goal this week is to collect prayers (one for each day) and pin them to your prayer plaque. You can continue to do this and save your old prayers in a jar. See how many you get. Remember them in your daily prayers.
Week 4
This week you are receiving a necklace that is closely connected to St. Brigid and the Irish culture. If you look closely on the necklace you will see a tree and three ovals that are interconnected. These symbols have been a part of Irish traditions for a long time. The other symbol is called the Trinity knot and in our faith, the three points of the Trinity knot represent the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This week your task is to reflect on the Trinity and how beautiful it is to have God as a community of persons in one being.
Buy St. Brigid Box $35.99
Week 1:
The next morning Bishop Martin apologized to the brothers for what his donkey had done. Then the next year the brothers sent a message to the Bishop rejoicing because the vines, where the donkey had eaten, came back more vigorously than ever before. This week you are receiving a wine bag for you to put your bottles of wines in. Remember how sometimes God prunes our lives and when we think we may be losing a lot we in fact are blessed through these challenges and sufferings.
Week 2
Learn all about the Saints that came and conquered Kingdoms for Christ. St. Martin was one of them. In this book Converts and Kingdoms you will learn about St. Martin and the history of the church. Your task this week is to read this book during your spiritual reading time. Keep reading and discover some pages dedicated to St. Martin.
Week 3
This week we are learning what it means to be thankful. It is a very spiritual thing to be thankful because to be thankful we need the thank SOMEONE! When we are thankful for the life that has been given to us we thank God. Now, as Christian Catholics we are called to be thankful in everything. Try to think of 10 things.
Week 4
St. Martin of Tours was a real soldier for Christ. He confronted the Devil on a couple of occasions. Once he saw the Devil appear to him in royal apparel and in radiance. St. Martin recognized the deceit and said “The Lord Jesus Christ never prophesied that He would come in purple robes and a royal crown.” The demonic apparition immediately disappeared. Your task is to pray a decade with this decade rosary (with St. Martin’s medal) as it is a powerful tool that the demons fear.
Buy St. Martin of Tours Box $35.99