Meet Other Catholic Companies

It is always great to see other great work that is happening out there. Check out companies that we have come in contact with. 

A shop of creative stickers

Catholic Creations

Owned by Kaycee, a mother of 4, has a wonderful collection of simply beautiful Saint stickers. 

Check out her shop

Handmade Catholic pouches and totes

Field of Dandelions

 Amy is married and a mom of two. As a Catholic school teacher, she found a need to offer Catholic items to remind her students of their faith throughout the day.  Handmade pouches and totes made of fabric with Catholic symbols and prayers were created.  

Check out her Shop

A wonderful shop of Saint Embroidery

Made for Sainthood

Alex is a wife and a mom of 3 little ones. She has always loved crafting and finally found a hobby that brings the beauty of our Catholic faith and a reminder of all the saints praying for us above into our home. 

Alex's shop

A sanctuary of Catholic gifts

Catholic Artisan Australia

A family run Catholic business based in Australia. These beautiful pieces are a unique work of art. 

Shop Now

A great Family owned Company of Rosaries and more

Easter Pup Creations

John is a Veteran living in Texas who creates handcrafted custom rosaries and wearables.  

Check them out